Monthly Archives: October 2014

Thank you Lord for a new day

Sitting in church last Sunday, listening to the preacher.  He has a unique style that I’ve not encountered in other churches, maybe not your “up on your feet and into the aisles” type of sermons, but you can tell he writes them.  He prepares them; and most importantly, I truly believe that he believes them.  That’s a good thing.

Last year all I wanted was for “something to happen”.  I actually felt guilty about how peaceful our world was when all others’ was crashing around us.  Well, not this year.  We’ve still had, by any stretch of the imagination, a great year.  ABBA brought us just the perfect house.  He gave the old one to this beautifully sweet Christian couple.  My heart sang when I heard them talking about marriage counseling and Queen Ester (we were standing around waiting to sign papers at the closing) – I knew that GOD, in his infinite wisdom, had given me that house to raise my children in, to bless us and keep us; and now that I had prayerfully received permission and given it back to Him to pass on to someone else as blessing – it was such a joy to know that what I had trusted Him to do had happened.  HE had shown up.  Faith is what we believe in without being able to see.  Faith.  Faith.  Thank you Abba.

If you’re wondering what all this has to do with sitting in church on Sunday, listening to the preacher – …I’m wondering too. haha — He said several things that I want to remember.

You can live where ever you are in the kingdom of GOD.


We were never meant to live in our own strength, our own power, under our own sovereignty.

Queen Ester prayed and trusted GOD to save her people

As the year comes to a close and I contemplate career changes, my husband doing the same; my mother’s failing health; the stress that caring for her puts on my father’s body; his own newly discovered health issue; my nephew, my sons, my son-in-law’s health, my best friend’s daughter, my friends at church, and all of the numerous and uncounted concerns that give me something to ponder – I am glad that we were never meant to live in our own strength.  GOD knows that I can not.  And I’m glad to know that I can live in his kingdom where ever I am.  I cannot out run it, HE and his kingdom, is always right there.